Korzo Theatre Netherlands features Bhavana Reddy in their Online India Dans Festival

Korzo Theatre Netherlands features Bhavana Reddy in their Online India Dans Festival

These last two weeks I was meant to be in Netherlands meeting all the wonderful people associated with Korzo India Dans Festival
Here’s our efforts to erase borders and share some moments together still! 
There’s an amazing lineup this year as well featuring artistic works from the past and this years lineup. 
~ New for the India Dance Festival: Storytelling & dance by Bhavana Reddy with live Q&A ~

Kuchipudi exponent Bhavana Reddy tells & performs "Bhama Kalapam", a dance drama inspired on Hindu literature. It's a classic that every Kuchipudi dancer must have danced at least once. Central heroine is Satyabhama, one of Krishna’s consorts, who struggles with the fact that he has several wives. She wants him exclusively for herself and is unapologetically outspoken about this. Bhavana tells us this story and illustrates this with excerpts of her dance production.

Tuesday 12 May
20:00 CEST - watch performance via https://bit.ly/35X8IH2
20:30 Live Q&A with Bhavana - follow on Facebook Live or join via Zoom: https://bit.ly/3coHhIy